Actually all of this is going towards my trip to spain next year :) my plan is to save seven dollars a day, everyday. I really believe i can do it. Five days out of the week i make more than enough to do this...but it always seems like i have no money to do anything? Do you ever find yourself wondering that to? Well...what about that ten dollars you just spent at chipotle? What about the fourty you just spent on those clothes? Do you people realize that we really do spend money on things we don't need? We could have waited to eat at home them spend ten bucks at chipotle. Or we could have waited a couple more weeks for MORE clothes...its not like any of us have no clothes to where we are gonna be naked...and when you begin to break that habit you start to see the results. Seven bucks a day, sounds like a small amount but in three weeks. I put away three hundred bucks of money i DON'T NEED. The trick is when you get the cash. Just put it straight into your little piggy bank hidden in your closet so you don't see it. You will learn to live without the extra and you learn to just live on what you need...and soon you can raise it to eight dollars a day, or ten? Who knows. just remember, God WILL provide all you need. Not what you want. Sometimes he blesses us. Which is good. But why complain when you have a roof over your head, food to eat, or clothes to wear? Gods just been drilling this into me ever since i started saving and i love it, i have said no to myself Countless times at the mall, hangin with my friends, or going out to eat...its not like you're putting half your pay check away. Its only seven dollars! The cool thing is, is by june. I will have paid for my round trip plane ticket. Have a good amount of spending money and i'll never touch any of my money in my bank account. So i challenge you. That missions trip your prayin to go on next year? Start saving. The longer you save for something. The more precious it will be :)
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