I am not bashing You Tube. Or bringing it down. I love You Tube. Its great. Its not You Tube i don't like. But its when people want me to watch like fifty videos...let me explain. So today i was working on sermons and journaling and what not. I was just totally in the zone, i had my worship music going. I was able to come up with cool points and ideas and I was able to put them on paper. I had my books out, school notes, the whole deal..i was just IN THE ZONE. So as i am working on this in my room my little bro calls me over to come watch a video. *i love my little bro. I am not bashin him either but lets face it. They get annoying sometimes* so i get up to watch the video with him and its pretty funny. Its about a little girl eaten pavement on her scooter. So i go sit down. And i figure i get back to work. Get IN THE ZONE. But. Again Eric calls me over. and so i go over, watch a couple more, HA HA they are hilarious..then i go back to work. He calls me over again, its the third time and now im annoyed, the computer happens to be like right by my door but i have to take those extra 3 inconvenient seconds to get up and walk over. I don't want to get up, but i do anyways because eric wont stop calling me until i watch the video, haha again, it was funny. SO this goes on for about 10 more minz, finally i convinced him to go outside and play with his gf next door who is outside(future blog topic haha). SO thats my story, anyways, here is what i wanted to say, and hopefully give advise to you You Tube viewers.
-If you plan on showing us more than one video, let us know so we can make a bag of popcorn, grab a soda, and get comfortable because it will prob take an hour to watch the video and 10 other related ones. We do not like getting called over like fifty times to watch fifty videos, like me i had to keep getting up, walking back and forth, and it just gets old.
You tube is awesome, its hilarious, great for checking out highlights or uploading and sharing vids. BUT, its the people, like my little bro, who spend every waking min on it, everyday, memorizing their favorite videos and repeating them over and over and over until it gets old and I end up not enjoying video anymore. Can anyone relate to this??
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